Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Making Money Work

Just about everyone has been affected by this recession so what do you do when there just isn't enough work for the money you need? You make your money work for you. Those of you have been reading for a while know that I am a fan of saving money whenever possible. To those of you who haven't followed my blog very long, don't get me wrong. I do enjoy nice things. I do have nice things. I do understand that every now and then, it's okay to splurge on things that everyone can enjoy... as long as I get a good deal on it :) We have an amazing 61 inch Samsung flat screen that my family enjoys on a daily basis. We have a PS3, an Xbox 360 laptops, expensive android phones and other luxuries. However, we bought our TV brand new for 50% off, Ian traded in some other gaming consoles to get the PS3 nearly free, we bought the 360 used and sold a bigger laptop to buy the two we have now. The phones we were able to get discounted with a new contract and we used our tax return from last year. The key is not to waste money where it doesn't need to be wasted. I know too many people who actually spend money on these things on a regular basis:

-Eating out/fast food
-Pest Control
-Weed Control
-Going Out

I'm sorry to offend anyone but eating out on a regular basis is not only a HUGE waste of money but it is SO unhealthy. I was capable of cooking food when I was 7 so none of you have any excuses, unless you no longer have your hands. Quit being lazy and cook something! Actually you can even remain lazy and still cook. There are things like hamburger helper and the Betty Crocker and Banquet Meal in a box. All you do is add water and heat! It's definitely cheaper than eating out. It's usually healthier too. Just to show you how stupid eating out really is, here is some math:

When eating cheap fast food you can expect to spend at least $3-$7 per person. If you are a family of four that one meal for your family will be AT LEAST $12-$28 plus tax. For ONE unhealthy meal.
If you eat at a restaurant you can expect to spend $8-$23 per person. If you are a family of four, that single meal just wasted somewhere around $32-92.. depending on where you eat. I know there is a huge expanse between $32 and $92 but that's the difference between Red Robin and a Steak House. The prices vary.
If you are smart enough to cook at home:
1lb ground beef (97/3%) = $1.99 1lb pasta = under $1 and a can of spaghetti sauce = $1. That's a whole meal for that family of 4 for $4 and there will likely be leftovers. Don't want spaghetti? 1lb ground beef = $1.99 hamburger helper (in any flavor) $1. That's a whole meal for about $3. Meatloaf will run you under $2.50 to make. Don't want to eat ground beef? AWESOME Chicken is even cheaper and you can do a whole lot more with it. Catch my drift? Do you understand why eating out is not only stupid, but wasteful? On to the next waste...

Bug and weed control. If I could find someone who would come spray my yard for $20 and give me a 100% guarantee that I would not see a singe insect nor a single weed, I'd be the first one on that gravy train. $20/year for me to not have to lift a finger and still reap the reward of no pests and plants - AWESOME! Unfortunately, no one can commit. So, we buy bug spray that guarantees no bugs for a full year (black widows only guaranteed for 6 months) and weed killer that guarantees a full year of no weeds. Each costs about $20 per bottle but the bug killer lasts 3 years and the weed killer lasts 2 years. You don't even have to spray the bug killer in your house (unless you have an existing problem) and this stuff is potent! We had a major issue with crickets and black widows. We sprayed along the house foundation outside and along the wall in the back yard. Nowhere else. Not only did it kill everything it touched instantly (the bugs twisted and contorted before dying - creepy!) but we never saw another cricket or widow since then and this was back in October or November. Also, it killed all the bugs in our neighbors' yards as well. I know because they told me. The only insect I have seen since then is the occasional fly outside but it doesn't stay long. Spraying the weed killer we only do once a year and the bottle doesn't lie, we truly never see a single weed all year long! This stuff is amazing!! If you are interested, text me or send me a comment and I can go find out the brands for you.

Landscaping is kind of a toss up. I don't feel like it is wise to spend money on landscaping but I do realize there are some circumstances that require it. I have NO idea how to trim and shape a bush and I don't know which branches to cut from trees but I can figure out a lawn mower. Therefore, my back yard is grass and my front yard is gravel. There are a few bushes in my front yard and one big mesquite tree. The tree I keep to help shade the house (reducing our energy costs in summer!) and my bushes are low water, low maintenance bushes. One never has to be pruned, my myrtle needs a good trim once a year, my lantanas die in the winter and grow back so I never do anything with them. I DO pay for landscaping ONCE a year. Not from a nice company. I pay the hispanic, minimal English speaking man who is going door to door $25 once a year to trim the tree, trim the myrtle, blow the leaves and seed pods out of the gravel and remove all debris from my front yard. Money well spent since I don't have a blower, trimming shears or the know-how needed to shape a bush into a well formed dome. What bothers me are the people who pay for landscaping every week/biweekly/month to come mow their lawn and trim plants that aren't in dire need of it. My only exceptions are again if you are missing appendages or have like 3 acres of yard to maintain. Somethings are understandably unmanageable.

Going out is a big one. BIG ONE. If you are single, fine. Blow your money. I don't care. If you are a couple. Again, I don't care... it's yours to waste and you can suffer alone if you can't afford to pay your power bill because you just HAD to go to that stellar concert, dude. If you have kids... grow up. Going out should never (unless you are filthy rich) be a regular thing. I do understand that it is necessary to keep the Mommy-Daddy relationship "alive" so a date night once or twice a month is understandable and medicating. Going out once or twice a week (or more) when you have young kids is stupid, selfish, and completely irresponsible. (Unless you have oodles of extra money that is just itching to be spent) Find things to do at home or if you MUST go out to keep from going stir crazy... find something free to do. Go to the park, walk the mall (without buying!) do a scavenger hunt with your kids. There is tons of stuff just waiting for you (not your wallet) outside.

It never ceases to amaze me how much people love to buy clothing. My younger sister (for example) "cannot survive" without buying new articles of clothing each and every month. What does she do with the old stuff? Throws it away or gives it away. She doesn't keep it because wearing it twice a month for an entire year apparently isn't cool. I don't care that she gives it away because I usually get it (WIN! Free clothes!) but if you don't live at home with your parents and their endless wallets, quit buying so many clothes. If you just can't bring yourself to accept hand-me-downs then at least shop on clearance. If you are spending more than $7 for a shirt - I am totally laughing at you. Daily. When I do buy clothes which is VERY rarey, I buy them at Wal-mart... on clearance and you know what? I still achieve "Freaking Hot!" status.

Finally, your electricity. The television should not be a babysitter for your kids and you don't need to be watching TV all day every day. Lights don't need to be on during the day. People waste so much money on electricity it astounds me. I am on the noon-7 plan with APS. That means my electricity is cheaper from 7pm-noon. I do all of my high energy usage chores before noon or after 7pm to help save money. Also, during the day (unless Ian is home) our television remains OFF with the exception of the kids watching Sprout shows while eating. I never use lights until it gets dark out unless there is no window in the room (bathroom) and at night I only use enough light to keep from falling over furniture. In the summer the AC stays at 80-83 and winter the heater stays between 70-73. Both are uncomfortable but it saves money... and you get used to it.. just wear less clothing in the summer and bundle up in winter.

Yes it's nice to spend money on stupid luxuries, but if you don't have the money... it's time to wise up and put it to better use! I have a mortgage and bills just like everyone else. In 2010, we made a measly $15,000. Guess what? We are still enjoying life. I've made that money work for me. I stretch the life out of each dollar and we are just as happy and have all the same things that people making $40-60k a year have.

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