Wednesday, January 26, 2011

How the Queen Got Her Crown

Recently I have had several people say to me "I don't know how you do it." I know I had previously posted a blog about some of my super powered super tools. Today I was thinking about it to myself while dinner was going and I was folding laundry and I decided to divulge the rest of the secret: a tedious amount of organized multi-tasking. My entire day is planned around tasks that I can do at the same time to make my use of my (very) limited time more efficient. I also like to minimize our energy usage in an attempt to save as much money as possible so of course high energy tasks like laundry, dishes, baking and baths/showers for the kids must be done during our off peak energy time. I keep a notebook readily available that I write down they entire day's "to-dos" to help me stay on track. Some things need to be done every single day such as dishes, laundry, vitamins/meds, teeth, baths, and feed dogs. Yes, I DO include things like vitamins, teeth, bath, and feed dogs because in a house with 3 babies, things can sometimes get hectic and I would never want to forget any of those things. I personally like to do vitamins with lunch and meds with dinner then baths and finally teeth. I usually do baths and teeth while dinner is baking. If dinner needs to be cooked on the stove top, of course I wait until the kids are taken care of. I can multi task dishes, laundry and stove top dinners all around the same time. I drop in a load of laundry, start a load of dishes and then cook up dinner. By the time dinner is done, the dishes are also done and I can move the laundry to the dryer. I feed the dogs during the kids outdoor play time which is nice because the dogs can clean up any lunch that the kids have thrown to the floor. After outdoor time the kids usually take a nap or draw/color so I can use that time to vacuum and clean down counters. I try to always be doing 2 or more things at a time. It's super important to allow yourself rewards throughout the day though. My reward is usually time to check out facebook :) I also keep calendars and other lists to help me stay organized as well. Today's to-do list is pretty easy:

Design a Potty Chart for Aiden
Feed Dogs
Work on Book
3 Loads Laundry
Change Bedding on All Beds/Crib
Write Grocery List
Vacuum Downstairs

I've already got a few things and 2 loads of laundry done, I just need to sort it and put it away. Time to get back to work!

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