Monday, February 14, 2011

Real Life - Day One

Hello everyone! I'm a busy lady these days. Well, busier than usual. The past two days I have been selling jewelry at an Arts and Crafts expo from 8am-6pm on Saturday and 8am-6pm on Sunday! That's a 20 hour work weekend. I'll be doing several shows a month now that my display is ready to rock and roll. Though I do work outside the home on the weekends, I still consider myself a stay at home mom. A very busy, dedicated stay at home mom who strives to maintain my house and children as well as making my husband's life as simple as possible. After all, he works 40hr work weeks as the main bread winner for our family. So, it's the least I can do. I've decided to keep a 7 day blog log (hehe) of my life and what goes on during the day at my house. Follow me through my routine in the Casey Castle. I'm starting on Monday because I was gone all day Saturday and Sunday.

Monday, Feb. 14, 2011

2am-5am: Aralynn wakes up crying and continues for 3 hours. She could not breathe at all through her nose. Had to get some saline and a suction bulb to finally help her breathe. Poor thing. Then I fed her 4oz of formula to help her fall back to sleep.

530am-8am: Disaster recovery in the house. Brianna stayed the weekend and Ian got home early on Sunday. The combination was devastating to the cleanliness of my living room. I assume that's where they spent all their time. About 7:45am I started baking some Valentine's Day cookies. I continued cleaning while they were in the oven.

815am: Woke the 3 kids up and fed them breakfast.

845am: Friend Tim stopped by

950am: Sent the kids to the play room to play. Ambria has a new car to drive around upstairs and she absolutely loves it! I wish her and Aiden could both ride in it together. I suppose I'll have to get him one too!

10-1030am: Rocked and cuddled with Aralynn until she fell asleep. Then emptied all the trash cans in the house, took the trash to the dumpster, pulled the dumpster to the curb and checked on the kids upstairs.

FYI: This will be edited throughout the day to reflect what we are doing.
1040-11am: Blog while Aiden & Ambria eat lunch

1130-1240: Play at the park!

1245: Contacted Events Coordinator and scheduled another show for March 5th!

1: Bottle for Aralynn

120-155: I wanted to do something educational with the kids and normally we practice letters, numbers, colors, animals, etc. Today Ambria brought a book and asked me to read it which spurred a book reading session like no other. I read every book they have (some of them twice) until finally they started to get bored.

2pm: Take Valentine's Pics for Daddy

230-4: Nap Time for all 3 kids while Mommy finds more business contacts for future shows.

4-5: Dishes, Vacuuming, Create and print V-Day Card for Ian and plate his gift.

5: Ian gets home. I drove all the way to the mailbox (which is several blocks away) and found the Valentine's Day card Ian hid in the passenger seat. I retrieved the mail and headed home. When I got home Ian asked me to get my jewelry stuff out of the trunk because it was rattling around really badly while he was driving to and from work. Upon opening the trunk I was surprised with a dozen white roses and this bread maker! I've wanted this thing for SO long now! I'm more than certain this bread machine will be on my personal list of super tools. It also makes jam. How lucky am I! Then the kids ate some leftover lasagna for their dinner.

7-930pm: Ian, the kids and I went shopping at Lowe's, Home Depot, & Wal-mart. Lowe's and Home depot we were able to shop and compare prices on the new security door we have budgeted into our tax return fund. We compared prices at all three stores on UV film for the windows on the house to help reduce cooling costs in the summer. I didn't realize how cheap it would be! I had budgeted to spend $200 but it looks like we'll be able to do the whole house for about $80! That'll be an extra $120 to put into emergency savings.

945pm: Got home and put the kids to bed

10-1130pm: Started Fiery Dragon Soup for dinner so Ian and I could eat. We watched an episode of our beloved Prison Break (Wentworth Miller is my love!) and then I changed Aralynn and we headed off to bed.

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