Thursday, June 11, 2009

Ambria and Misc.

*IN THE NEWS*: I had my OB visit today and amongst the madness, I've learned that our baby girl is coming early! 6 weeks or less. I can't wait to see her. My iron count is still horribly low which leaves me fatigued 24/7 but hopefully it will level out after Ambria is born.

I've done some digging and found a bunch of frugal-based sites and options for homemakers and also found some great links to sites that can help you keep your home in tip-top shape. I know I've gone off on a more personal tangent with this blog so I intend on getting it back to the homekeepers guide to sanity that it once was. For starters I will separate topics by green or non green since I have followers of both varieties. I'll also have homework (housework) projects that will be due on a daily or weekly basis. Sometimes things are just easier to maintain if a deadline is implemented. So lets start at the beginning.

My family is in a financial crunch right now which means discounts, sales, and bargains of all shapes and sizes (along with sparing) goes a long way.

If you haven't yet looked into a great resource for saving money on groceries, please check out:

I save SO much money with this website because it pulls ALL of the grocery items on sale at all of your local stores and posts them. It also helps you organize coupons for those stores to maximize on the sale by getting more money off of the already on sale item.

I do not subscribe to the newspaper (yet) so instead I write down my grocery list and find as many of the things on my list as possible and then go to my local Wal-Mart to do my shopping. Wal-Mart will price match their competitors prices. All you have to remember to do is take in the weekly grocery ads that come in the mail. My main rule of thumb is to NEVER purchase any meat products (ground beef, chicken, pork, etc) unless I can get it for under $1.99 per pound. This is a great deal since I ONLY buy extra lean meats which are usually $4.99 per pound. When meat is on sale I stock up and usually buy around 25-30lbs. Assuming I am paying $1.99 (even though it is sometimes less) this means I am spending $50-60 bucks a month for meat which is outstanding!
Another great money saving tip is pasta. You can buy 6-8 servings of pasta for under a dollar. If you buy the premade sauce this is also usually only $1-2, however if you make your own you can do it for about 60 cents. That's a full meal for a family of 4 (including leftovers) for super cheap! If you add meat, it only raises the cost of the entire family's meal by less than $2.

More to come!

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