Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Pre-Holiday Fun and Freezer Food

Oh dear blog page, how I've missed you! On September 2, 2010 my gmail account was hacked and the password changed so I could no longer log into it (nor this blog) and with the recent shut off of my cell phone service, I had no way of retreiving my password. I finally got that all worked out and am back in business! I have so many wonderful ideas to share during this blog so lets get started!

As part of my efforts to stretch my budget and my clock (since there aren't enough hours in a day) I am always looking for new, quick dinner recipes that are still relatively healthy for my family. Lately I have only been buying boneless skinless chicken breasts and ground turkey from the grocery store, not only for the nutritional benefit over steak, ground beef, and pork loin but simply because it's significantly cheaper! (about half the price!) I use the ground turkey in place of ground beef in my recipes but what can I possibly do with so much chicken? We have our few family favorites which recently have been Hawaiian Chicken, Chicken Pot Pie, and Marinated Chicken, however it does get old week after week. So this week I think I'll try some new marinades (a new marinade can completely alter the taste of a meal!) and sauces. I've already separated my chicken into 4 freezer bags. Today I'll be making sauces/marinades to add to the bags, then I'll toss them into the freezer for an easy meal. This doesn't have to be a painstaking ordeal. One of them only has 3 things added to the chicken: garlic, soy sauce, and honey. Another will have italian dressing added, and I'll come up with some clever mix of ingredients for the 3rd bag. The 4th I will leave plain to have the option of fulfilling any special dinner requests. With this done, later in the next week or so I only need to grab a bag, thaw it for a couple hours and throw the chicken in the oven on 350 for about 40 minutes. SIMPLE! Could serve over rice, pasta, potatoes, or with a side of veggies. Can't beat that!

I've also started working on my homemade Christmas gifts (loving frugality!) for this year. I'm taking the time to personalize a gift for my loved ones and am truly enjoying the task. Though I'm not entirely fond of the holiday season (purely because of the added stress it brings)I must admit I am excited to see the look on everyone's face when they unwrap these delightful gifts. I can't wait!

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