Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Errands, errands, errands...

Today has been a very busy (but pleasant) day. We woke up super early so Ian could get in the shower and I could make breakfast and snacks for the kids. We left the house at 6am, I got Ian to work at 6:58 (almost late!) and drove the kids to my mom's house so she could watch them while I was at my OB appointment. My appointment ended at 9:15ish so I collected the kids, and drove way out to Happy Valley and Lake Pleasant Pkwy to pick up a prescription for Ian. I pulled up to Nationwide Vision, unloaded both (now unhappy) babies and walked in. They hadn't seen him since 2007. I was at the wrong place. I didn't have an address, just cross roads, so it took 20 more to find. Relieved I had finally found it, I unloaded the kids and walked up to the (now correct) LensMasters. I pulled on the door - locked. This location wasn't finished being built. So all of this for nothing. Ugh. The kids were both fussy and hungry so I came home and here I am. I still need to go to Mesa to pick up some jewelry orders and go to the store to pick up dinner makings. We are having Nancy & Jesse over for dinner tonight and having chicken tacos. It'll be nice to meet them I just wish I had time to clean the house before they see it. Looks like that's not going to happen in time though. After I get stuff for dinner I have to drive back to Scottsdale to pick Ian up from work, feed the kids, yadda yadda, the normal nightly routine. Somewhere in here I need to get some homework done. I wish there were more hours in a day.

1 comment:

  1. LoL we're mentioned. You're house wasn't too bad :) so don't fret! :) it was "normal" lived in type state.
