Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Holy Hiatus!

I have really missed blogging here. I have been so busy with the business (which is good) that weekends have me tied up at swap marts, craft fairs, and other art shows and weeks are spent cleaning the house and loving my babies. I was able to attend a webinar yesterday that made a huge impact on me and my business decisions. I think the information I learned will really help me to reach some of my goals. Sadly, it requires that I start using word press for my business instead of since it's better for seo. This breaks my heart. I feel like I am betraying my favorite blogging site. Don't take it personally,, it's just business. Anyway, sales are up and that means my online "homebase" needs to get up and running. For now, I need to try to learn some HTML while the kids are napping so I can figure out all of this marketing stuff for CCJ. Much love to my followers!