Monday, July 19, 2010

Meal Plan Monday 07/19/10

I've decided to do this week's meal plan a little differently. Obviously different families have their own unique ways of cooking certain dishes. I'm going to post some of the main ingredients with this meal plan to give a better idea of what I'm making this week. Remember, this is not ALL of the ingredients I use in my dishes, this is just an outline. With that said: Here's this week's meal plan! Enjoy!

Mon- Beef & Barley Stew
-Beef Boullion

Tue- Hawaiian Chicken
-Bell Peppers
-Cream of Chicken
-Soy Sauce

Wed- Chicken & Black Bean Quesadillas
-Jumbo Tortillas
-Black Beans
-Cream of Chicken
-TONS of Cheese

Thu- Marinated Steak & Potatoes
-KC's Secret Marinade
-Whole Potatoes

Fri- Lemony Chicken Risotto

Sat- Chicken Enchiladas
-Black Beans
-Enchilada Sauce
-Jumbo Tortillas

Preparations for Ambria's Big 1!

After spending all holidays and special occasions driving to and from various relative's houses, Ian and I have decided we just can't manage it with the kids. It puts too much stress on us so from here on out, holidays will be at our house and anyone is welcome to come, but we don't plan on going out. This being decided upon, we held an Easter party at our house this year that turned out wonderful. Now, I am throwing Ambria's 1st birthday at our house. Her theme is butterflies and though it will be a wonderful party, I am so stressed about it. I have 6 days to get everything ready around the house. Today I spent a better portion of my afternoon, sorting through the third bedroom upstairs which we have used as my scrapbooking/our storage room. It was a disheveled disaster! I feel great knowing it's finally nearing presentability! This room won't be used during the party but I do have family coming over that have never seen our beautiful home before and I'd like them to see it in all of its glory. I have cute out hundreds of paper butterflies which I hope to affix to my walls and ceiling by Saturday and I'll be baking cupcakes on Saturday as well in hopes of decorating them to look like butterflies for the party on Sunday. Grocery shopping for the party food will be done on Friday as well as a preliminary floor to ceiling house cleaning. I will clean any child related messes and dishes on Sunday morning before guests get here. That leaves me Tuesday - Thursday to worry about any other things that I need to get done. However Tuesday (tomorrow) I have to go get an iron injection since my bloodwork came back with alarming results, then rush home in time to meet up with my home nurse who will give me my weekly injection, then fix lunch for Ian and the kids and see Ian off to work. My weekly injection drains me for a day when I get it so I suppose the remainder of my Tuesday will be lost to dishes and activity time with the kids in the loft. That will leave me Wednesday to clean the changing room, and upstairs bathroom as well as pay some bills, pick up the play room and finish all of the laundry in the house. Thursday will be spent (hopefully) at a Farmers Market in Mesa, and the swap mart in Phoenix in search of some worthy rugs for the living room and foyer. I've got a busy week ahead of me but I know I'll get it all done!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Chapter 2

The Crooked Path has its dividends.

The great thing about growing up is getting to leave the house and make your own decisions, thus, deciding your own future. The crappy thing about growing up is having to leave the house and make your own decisions, thus, deciding your own future. The important thing to remember after this transition and for the rest of your life is to trust your inner compass. It will never let you down, although sometimes it will confound you. Each and every one of us has her own crooked path complete with detours, wrong turns, and dead ends. Even more frustrating, we have our own timetables! I wanted to graduate college at 23, have an awesome career, get married at 24, have my first child at 25 and maybe a second or third by the time I was 30. As it turned out, I was pregnant and married by 21 without any sort of college degree and ended up losing my job. Baby 2 came when I was 23 and baby 3 will be here shortly after I turn 24. If I had been told this was how things would work out back when I was just graduating high school, I would have been horrified. But I have to say, it's pretty perfet the way it's worked out.

I'm sure some of you today are attending the perfect college (or have the perfect degree) and have the perfect husband and the perfect career. Congratulations! - I hate you. For those of you who do not, take heart. Things have a way of working out for the best - often in very surprising ways! My husband lost his job and we were left without any income for several months. Although it was devastating, he found a new job which he truly loves and enjoys every day. This job has medical benefits which the other did not, he is now working indoors instead of the Arizona heat, and he is in a career field which he has always wanted to settle into. The crooked path has its dividends.

Another thing you need besides your inner compass are your fearless shoes. I am wearing mine today (which happen to be in the form of bare feet) because I have a few inner demons that drift by now and again. But self-doubt is not a good reason to say no to any new opportunity. We are all capable of so much more than we think.

Excellence takes hard work and commitment. It's so easy to think it's a snap for everyone else. You automatically assume that everyone else has it together. They may give that impression, but it's simply not true. Everyone has to struggle. Sometimes your biggest battle is to believe in yourself.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Chapter 1

I've been inspired by a book that my husband's aunt has given me and I have decided to dedicate a string of blogs to my best friend, Lainy. I hope they will help her find a release for the stress in her life and make things a bit more tolerable for her. At the very least I hope she can find strength in them.

There are things every woman should know. I intend on going over each of the important things one by one.

Chapter 1: Carpe Diem.

Simply put - seize the day. Every day. Wake up early and take your time in rising. Be refreshed, not rushed. If you have kids then be sure to wake at least 10 minutes before them to give yourself some quality YOU time. Wash your face, drink a cup of coffee (ew) or do whatever you need to do to feel like you have officially started your day. Rushing into it in a frenzy starts the day off with stress and if that's how you are jumping into the day - it's likely how you'll finish.

Look for small revelations all day long. If you are inherently pessimistic, you'll have to look hard but they are there, daily. It could be anything from your child learning a new word or skill to witnessing a stranger do something nice for another stranger. Is everyone in your family healthy today? Awesome! Victory for one day! Did you conquer your urge and replace that pizza for lunch with something a little kinder on the waist? If you have gone through your day and are finding yourself feeling down because you were unable to find any revelations... do you know without a doubt that there is a person out there that loves you for you? Then great! It's still a victory to add to your belt! Love everyone around you and someone is bound to return the favor.

Don't know ANYONE? Go outside. Take in nature. Everything from the bugs that gross you out to the butterflies and the rodents to the more appealing mammals are all sharing this moment in history with you.

Love your work and enjoy your play. There is no lasting joy in doing things for money or fame. Do them simply because you love what you do. If you stay at home while your spouse works, you may not enjoy doing chores around the house but if you love doing these things to keep your family in a happy, healthy, clean environment, there should be no reason to ellude these duties. I enjoy doing the chores around my house. I know I am keeping busy, burning calories, and not being lazy. It makes me feel good about myself and my home and I know my husband appreciates coming home to a cozy house.

Finally, welcome the night. Good sleep is your body's mending time. When dreams take hold of your mind, all worry and anger becomes subdued and temporarily doesn't exist.

Take time out of your day to

Monday, July 12, 2010

Monday Meal Plan 07/12/2009

Good evening everyone! I've got this week's meal plan put together. It is heavy on the chicken because of a great sale on chicken breast last week. I was also fortunate enough to get 3 full carts of fresh produce from the farmer's market for only $50! Three whole carts full?? Yes. Three. It is a lot of produce but it will also help stretch my dinners further, thus saving money. So here it is:

Monday: Baked Kielbasa, Potatoes, and Peppers.
Tuesday: Chicken Stroganoff
Wednesday: Chicken Pot Pie
Thursday: Chicken Cheddar Melts
Friday: Steak and Onions
Saturday: Turken (Turkey stuffed Chicken) & Veggies

This week I'll be hanging all of the paper butterflies that I've cut out for Ambria's birthday party. I'm getting excited even though it's still 2 weeks away. I figure it's best to start slow and steady to make sure everything gets done and that I am not rushed (and forgetting things)

I also hope to slowly make my way through my scrap booking room and get everything organized and labeled and ultimately moved into storage so I can make room for baby three.